Home :: What Sizes Are Dymo Address Labels?

When buying address labels, the label size matters. It must be large enough to include all the necessary address information and additional yet important details need for the carrier to send, including the barcode. The standard size of shipping labels in the industry is 4 x 6 inches. If this size doesn’t fit on your package, there are also other alternatives.

If you use a Dymo label printer and wondering which size you should order when you need compatible Dymo address labels, here are a few suggestions to help you out.

1. Dymo 1744907: Size – 4 x 6 (inches)

Dymo 1744907 compatible label is an extra-large address label that fits the standard size criteria of the industry. Its size is 4 x 6 inches, which means you can use this address label if your package carrier is USPS, Endicia, Click-N-Slip, Pitney Bowes Shipstream, eBay, and more. This Dymo extra-large label is highly suitable to be used for printing shipping labels and postage labels. It is also perfect for over-sized envelopes and priority mail packages.

2. Dymo 30321: Size – 1 4/10 H x 3 1/2 W (inches)

Compatible Dymo 30321 large address labels have a height of 1 4/10 inches and width of 3 1/2 inches. These compatible labels are large and widely used for printing addresses. You can use these compatible labels with any of the Dymo LabelWriter Series printer. These labels are also good choice for use with file folders, drawers, and storage carton for better organization. Besides, Dymo 30321 is also suitable for printing custom stickers for packages.

3. Dymo 30252: Size – 3 ½ L x 1 1/8 W (inches)

Dymo 30252 compatible label is another popular shipping label that you can use any of the Dymo LabelWriter Series 450 printer or any other series printer. It is the standard label used for mailing and shipping. When you are looking for low-cost address labels that work with your Dymo printer, these labels are a great choice. These labels are also an ideal option for printing company information such as marketing collaterals, putting manufacturing date details, labeling products, adding ingredient list, and more. The size of Dymo 30252 compatible labels is 3 ½ L x 1 1/8 W (inches).

4. Dymo 30256: Size – 2 5/16 H x 4 W (inches)

Dymo 30256 compatible labels are perfect for medium to large shipping, mailing, and address labels. You can also use these labels to create customized labels. You can easily use these labels to print a full-color logo or graphics and they are perfect for packages that undergo scanning. These labels come in size 2 5/16 H x 4 W inches. Their size makes them versatile labels as they can fulfill your diverse needs for different kinds of labels for home and business use.

If you are looking for Dymo large address labels or extra-large address labels, please check out our website and get in touch with us for any queries.