Home :: How To Correct Misaligned Label Templates?

When printing Dymo labels, brother labels or others , label templates don’t always align perfectly, which can make them harder to read. Fortunately, there are several ways to help you correct misaligned label templates and make them easy to use once again.

The trick is making sure your equipment is calibrated correctly and that your template is properly aligned to begin with, because if either of those things are off you won’t get the best results no matter what steps you take afterward. Here’s how to correct misaligned label templates so they look crisp and clear once again!

Printer’s Print Settings

Printer settings can vary depending on what printer you use, but typically the best way to align dymo labels is by adjusting your printer settings.

  • ● The paper size should be A4
  • ● A scaling option should not be applied. A percentage less than 100% could also be used or “Fit To” options like Fit To Sheets or Fit To Pages. Use the “Actual Size” option if there is one available when printing a PDF template.
  • ● You should not select options such as “Ignore Printer Settings” or “Use Default/Driver Settings”. Print settings you select are ignored and default settings from the printer driver are used (which may not be the ones you need)

In general, many printers have a label or page function that allows you to select the page orientation for printing. You may also need to adjust margins, print quality, and other settings in order to make the labels appear as desired.

Printer’s Starting Print Position

Misaligned labels are the result of a printer’s starting print position. This is usually fixed by following the below steps.

  • ● Choose “Layout” from the top menu of Word.
  • ● From the margins menu, select “Custom Margins.”.
  • ● Depending on the software you are using, you can edit a PDF template.
  • ● If you are unsure how to change page margins, check the supplier’s website/forum.

To correct the misalignment, measure it and adjust the margins accordingly. Compare the test print to your sheet labels after changing your margins to see if the issue has been resolved. You may need to adjust the margins even further and test-print your template again if that does not work.

Wrong Labels

All your efforts have not resulted in your labels being centered? Verify that the label templates you are using are the correct ones.

Make sure you’re using the correct label- Look for the vendor code on the labels you bought (Example: Dymo 30252, Brother DK 1202, Brother DK 2205, etc.) and make sure they are the correct ones.

Pick a new document- Starting over is the best way to go instead of using a formatted sheet from the past. There is a good chance that your labels won’t print nicely because the alignment table has been mixed up.


A small misalignment can create a big problem down the line. If you have printed labels that are misaligned, consider these methods for alignment. All of these issues can be ignored easily so ensure that you’re checking up on everything.